Senate Bill 148 of the 75th Texas Legislature (1997) mandated Field of Study curricula. The Field of Study curricula, along with core curricula, are intended to facilitate transferability of courses among Texas public colleges and universities. All public four-year institutions are required to accept Coordinating Board approved Field of Study courses in fulfillment of lower-division requirements for bachelor’s degrees in majors that correspond to the Field of Study.
Journalism and Mass Communication
The Field of Study Curricula for communication (FOSC for Communication) will serve as a framework within which students may transfer more easily between state- supported institutions.
To accomplish these dual goals, the Field of Study lists broad competencies in four pathways of 15 to 21 semester credit hours of lower-division coursework in each degree plan. These plans constitute the FOSC for Communication. Each of four sub-areas in Communication constitutes a discrete Field of Study Curriculum: (1) Advertising/Public Relations, (2) Journalism/Mass Communication, (3) Radio & Television Broadcasting/Broadcast Journalism, and (4) General Communication/Communication Studies/Speech Communication/Speech and Rhetorical Studies/Organizational Communication. Students may elect one or more of the following fields of study.
Students should consult an advisor regarding transfer to a specific college or university.