Mar 03, 2025
ENGR 2406 - Introduction to Digital Systems (Lecture + Lab) + Semester Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Laboratory Hours: 3 Introduction to theory and design of digital logic, circuits, and systems. Number systems, operations and codes; logic gates, Boolean algebra and logic simplification; Karnaugh maps; combinational logic; functions of combinational logic; flip-flops and related devices; counters; shift registers; sequential logic; memory and storage. Includes basic laboratory experiences supporting theoretical principles involving design, construction, and analysis of combinational and sequential digital circuits and systems, including logic gates, adders, multiplexers, encoders, decoders, arithmetic logic units, latches,flip-flops,registers,and counters, and preparation of laboratory reports. Required Prerequisite(s): MATH 1314 or equivalent academic preparation NOTE: Some baccalaureate engineering programs will accept the course ENGR 2306 for transfer credit and as applicable to the engineering major, while others will accept the course for transfer credit only. The student is advised to check with the school to which he or she wants to transfer for specific applicability of this course to the engineering major.
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