Mar 31, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Fees

The state of Texas has established legal guidelines to determine whether students are Legal Residents for Tuition Purposes. Residency status is determined at the time of application for admission to the College and can be updated when students meet and document a change of status. Assistance regarding residency classification is available at each campus Admissions and Registrar office. For additional information on rules and regulations determining residence status go to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board website.

Each student is assigned to one of three tuition categories:

  • Legal resident of Tarrant County status is assigned to those who have lived in Texas under circumstances specified in Rules and Regulations, and who are residents of Tarrant County.
  • Legal resident of another Texas County status is assigned to those who qualify for In-State status, but who do not reside in Tarrant County.
  • Legal resident of other state/non-resident status is assigned to those who do not qualify for In-State status.


All tuition is subject to change without notice. Registration is not complete until payment has been made in full, third-party sponsorship is submitted, or a payment plan has been completed. Until all financial obligations to the College have been satisfied, students may not re-register or receive official transcripts or diplomas.

Effective with the Spring 2019 term, undergraduate tuition rates at Tarrant County College will be as follows:

Residency Status for Tuition Purposes

Per Semester Hour

Legal resident of Tarrant County for tuition purposes $64
Legal resident of any other Texas county for tuition purposes $126
Legal resident of another state for tuition purposes $305
Non-resident alien for tuition purposes $305
Additional tuition charges for courses attempted three or more times
(Third Attempt Rule effective starting Fall 2013)

Other TCC Charges/Fees*

In addition to tuition, students enrolled at TCC may be required to pay one or more of the following charges as applicable:

Academics Charge
Course audit   Tuition rate
Other program charges/certifications As assessed
Special program fees/deposits As assessed
Special program background checks/drug screenings As assessed
Special trips (field trips/national or international) As assessed
TCC Plus (Inclusive Access)/textbook rentals As assessed
Identification (ID) and Permits Fees
Parking permit $0
Replacement parking permit $5
Replacement Student ID (EasyRide pass) $10
Fines and Fees Fees
Copy Center fee As assessed
Library fines As assessed
Online outbound eTranscript request
Online outbound Print and Mail Transcript request
Overnight outbound transcript request $25 - $30
Parking fines As assessed
Payment plan enrollment fee $25
Replacement diplomas $30
Returned payments (checks, ACH, debit/credit card transactions) $25
Short-term loan fee As assessed
Testing Fees
TSI Assessment test $29
TSI Assessment retest fee $10 per section; $29 for all 3 sections
Other testing As assessed
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) $25 per course
*All charges are subject to change at any given time.  

Continuing Education courses (CE): Refer to the Continuing Education Catalog for specific tuition information. Tuition for CE courses will be based on anticipated costs.

Student Account Center

The Student Account Center is a student financial system designed to help students better manage their student account activity. Some of the features include payments by Automated Clearing House (ACH) or debit/credit card, payment plan enrollments, storing payment methods, or assigning authorized users. Students may access the Student Account Center by logging into their student account through MyTCCTrack and selecting the Student Account Center/Pay Now Helpful link. Please refer to the TCC website for the most updated information.

Payment Methods

For the convenience of the student, several payment methods are available*:

1. In person at a campus Business Services Office:

  1. Cash
  2. Major credit/debit cards: A photo id card is required for credit/debit card payments processed. Cardholder must be present.
  3. Check: A driver’s license is required for check payments. TCC will not accept checks as a form of payment for prior term balances or as a method of payment for previously returned items.
  4. Third-Party Sponsors: If tuition is to be paid by an agency or company, a voucher from the agency or company must be submitted to the Business Services office in accordance with the payment deadline indicated below. By submitting a voucher, the third-party sponsor agrees to pay all tuition. This includes any non-refundable tuition. If a third-party sponsor has not paid the student’s tuition, per the voucher, by the end of the next term/quarter, the unpaid tuition will be moved to the student’s account. The student will be responsible for the unpaid balance, which may be sent to a third-party collection agency.
  5. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Prepaid Tuition Programs: Required documentation for these programs should be submitted to the campus Business Services office in accordance with the payment deadline indicated below.

2. Online through the Student Account Center:

  1. Major credit/debit cards
  2. Automated Clearing House (ACH) or Electronic Check
  3. Payment Plan: All payment plan options are in line with the provisions of Section 54.0007 of the Texas Education Code.
    1. Students can view and enroll by logging into MyTCCTrack and selecting Student Account Center.
    2. A $25 non-refundable enrollment fee is charged per plan for each term/quarter.
    3. A $25 Returned Item fee will be assessed per instance.

* Payment methods may be restricted due to Returned Payments, delinquent payment plans, or outstanding balances.

Per Texas Education Code 54.007(2)(d): A STUDENT WHO FAILS TO MAKE FULL PAYMENT OF TUITION AND MANDATORY FEES, INCLUDING ANY INCIDENTAL FEES, BY THE DUE DATE, MAY BE PROHIBITED FROM REGISTERING FOR CLASSES UNTIL FULL PAYMENT IS MADE. A STUDENT WHO FAILS TO MAKE FULL PAYMENT PRIOR TO THE END OF THE SEMESTER OR TERM MAY BE DENIED CREDIT FOR THE WORK DONE THAT SEMESTER OR TERM. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the tuition payment schedule for each term. The following table illustrates the Undergraduate tuition payment schedule by term. Payment schedules are subject to change. For the latest information, please visit the TCC website.

Fall On/Before 1st Thursday in August 11:59 p.m. on 1st Thursday in August
Fall 1st Friday in August through last Tuesday before term begins 11:59 p.m. each Wednesday
Fall On/After Wednesday before term begins through remainder of term 11:59 p.m. on same day as registration
Spring On/Before 1st Thursday in December 11:59 p.m. on 1st Thursday in December
Spring 1st Friday in December through last Tuesday before term begins 11:59 p.m. each Wednesday
Spring On/After Wednesday before term begins through remainder of term 11:59 p.m. on same day as registration
Summer On/Before 1st Thursday in May 11:59 p.m. on 1st Thursday in May
Summer 1st Friday in May through last Tuesday before term begins 11:59 p.m. each Wednesday
Summer On/After Wednesday before term begins through remainder of term 11:59 p.m. on same day as registration

Courses with an earlier start date than the 16-week Fall/Spring term or the 1st 5-week session of the Summer term may have an earlier payment deadline than listed above. Financial Aid students are responsible for the payment of Maymester and Wintermester tuition. Reimbursement will come at a later date depending on financial aid eligibility.  

Failure to pay tuition or to make payment arrangements by the deadline may result in students being dropped from their courses. Students should not assume that a course will be automatically dropped for nonpayment. Students are responsible for dropping any course they do not wish to be enrolled in.

Returned Payments

A Returned Payment (Chargeback) is the result of a dishonored or disputed check, ACH, or credit/debit card transaction. Returned Payments must be paid within 10 days of the return notification. Students will be notified by TCC email and/or US mail. If the Returned Payment balance and $25 Returned Payment fee are not paid within 10 days or by the current term census date (whichever comes first), the student may be dropped from all current term courses and blocked from future registrations. Returned Payments may result in restrictions on payments by check, ACH, and credit/debit card, as well as loss of payment plan privileges.

NOTICE: DELINQUENT INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS, UNPAID RETURNED PAYMENTS, OUTSTANDING MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES, AND FINANCIAL AID ADJUSTMENTS WILL BE SENT TO A THIRD-PARTY AGENCY FOR COLLECTION. THE STUDENT MAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COLLECTION AGENCY FEES INCURRED FROM THE ADDITIONAL COLLECTION EFFORTS.  A student who fails to make full payment prior to the end of the semester or term/quarter will be prohibited from registering for future classes until full payment is made. Failure to make full payment prior to the end of the term/quarter may result in transcript denial.

Formal Means of Communication

TCC Business Services will send notices to the student’s myTCC email as the formal means of communication.

Refund Policy

Students officially dropping and/or withdrawing, or dropped at the discretion of the instructor, during a regular 16-week session are eligible for a refund of tuition according to the following schedule.
*A calendar class day is defined as every calendar day, excluding weekends and holidays.

  Prior to the first calendar class day* 100%
  During the first 15 calendar class days* 70%
  During the 16th through 20th calendar class days* 25%
  After the 20th calendar class day* None

Students officially dropping and/or withdrawing, or dropped at the discretion of the instructor, from a regular five-week summer session are eligible for a refund of tuition and fees according to the following schedule.
*A calendar class day is defined as every calendar day, excluding Fridays, weekends, and holidays.

  Prior to the first calendar class day* 100%
  During the first five calendar class days* 70%
  During the sixth calendar class day* 25%
  After the sixth calendar class day* None


For non-regular semester-length courses, students should contact the campus Business Services office for refund schedules.

The following table illustrates how refunds would be determined for non-regular length courses.

Length of Class – Term in Weeks Last day for 70% refund Last day for 25% refund
2 or less 2 n/a
3 3 4
4 4 5
5 5 6
6 5 7
7 7 9
8 8 10
9 9 11
10 9 12
11 10 14
12 12 15
13 13 16
14 13 17
15 14 19

Refund of tuition is subject to change by legislative and/or TCC Board of Trustees action without notice.

  • Based upon the Refund Schedule, credit balances are automatically reflected on the student’s account upon withdrawal or course cancellation.
  • Refunds will be made to the debit/credit card used for payment if the refund is processed within 180 days of the original date of payment.
  • Refunds for cash, check, ACH, debit/credit after 180 days of the original payment, will be processed using the student’s preferred refund method selected with the contracted third-party refunding company. Please refer to the Refund Selection section below for further information. Students ages 15 years and under, or 55 years or older, will receive a refund by check.
  • A refund may take up to six weeks to process.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Financial Aid students withdrawing before the 60 percent refund point in the term may be required to repay funds unearned due to requirements for the return of Title IV funds.
  • Refunds are calculated/based on invoiced amounts, not payments made.
  • Students must be cautioned that there will be at least a 30 percent penalty for partial and/or complete withdrawals after the session begins.
  • Students may request a review of their refund eligibility through the end of the next long semester for which the refund is requested, as shown on the chart below. Students who meet the Tuition Refund Request Guidelines may complete and submit the Tuition Refund Request Form found on the TCC website.
Term Requesting: Submit By:
Fall End of Next Spring Term
Summer End of Next Fall Term
Spring End of Next Fall Term

Refund Selection

Students between the ages of 16-54, who are eligible for financial aid or have registered for classes, will receive a refund selection kit from our contracted third-party refunding company. In addition to the refund selection kit, students will receive an email containing a personal code. Students are provided with instructions on choosing their preferred refund method for future financial aid or course refunds. If a refund selection kit is not received, visit the Refunds webpage for additional information.

Financial Responsibility Agreement

The Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA) provides relevant information about the College’s official financial policies and what is considered the responsibility of the student. Students will be asked to acknowledge the document every 120 days of accessing the online system. Students are encouraged to read the document to stay informed on the College’s policies concerning areas such as tuition payment, past due balances, third party collections, refunds, Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and dual credit. Students may access the Financial Responsibility Agreement found in MyTCCTrack at any time.

Tuition Agreement

Dallas County Community College District Students: A reciprocal tuition agreement allows a Dallas County resident to pay the Tarrant County resident tuition rate provided the individual is enrolled in a degree program not offered at DCCCD.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located at each campus Business Services office. A District-wide retention schedule is followed for the disposal of unclaimed items.

Notary Services

Business Services offices provide notary services. Notaries will follow Chapter 87 of the Texas Administrative Code.