Mar 31, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Regulations

Administrative Withdrawal

The College reserves the right to withdraw a student from class if, in the judgment of College officials, such withdrawal is in the best interest of the student or the student body at large.

Change of Address

Students who change their home address or mailing address are expected to notify the College of this change immediately using the current student portal or by contacting the campus Admissions and Registrar Office. Documentation may be required if the change would lower the tuition rate.

Official Communications

A request that a student report to an administrative or faculty office may be made by letter, email, or telephone. Failure to comply with such a request may result in disciplinary action. Each student is responsible for monitoring their myTCC email account for official communications.

Communications to the entire student body are considered properly delivered when they are sent to the student’s myTCC email account, posted on the current student portal and/or TCC website. Each student is responsible for regularly checking their myTCC email and these websites.

Religious Holy Days

In accordance with state law, TCC allows an excused absence to students for the observance of a “religious holy day,” defined as a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20, Tax Code.

Students shall be excused from attending classes or other required activities, including exams, during the time needed for travel for the purpose of the observance of a religious holy day. The law mandates that students be required to complete assignments or exams missed during the absence within a reasonable time.

Student Conduct and Discipline

Tarrant County College has established rules and regulations for student conduct and behavior. These items may be found in the Student Handbook, which is available on the TCC website. Failure to abide by all rules and regulations may be grounds for disciplinary action.

The vice president for Student Development Services is responsible for enforcing campus student discipline as outlined in the Student Handbook and makes recommendations to the president regarding student violations of College Regulations and adherence to the District’s disciplinary procedures. These procedures will assure prompt and appropriate action, as well as provide due process in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Use of Legal Name

Students are required to provide their full legal name to the College. Students’ permanent records, including official transcripts, are required to identify students by their full legal name. Students may record a “preferred name.”

Use of Student Number

A student number is required to identify students’ permanent records. The automated student information system assigns a random number, called the Colleague ID, to every student. The Colleague ID is used for all internal printed materials and provides additional protection to students’ privacy. Students are urged to become familiar with their Colleague ID and to use it when communicating with College offices.

Students are requested to provide their Social Security number to the College for maintenance of their student records. This number allows the College to meet federal and state reporting requirements, enables communication with financial aid providers and service agencies, allows reporting to IRS regarding eligibility for the American Opportunity Tax Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit, and substantially eases transfer of information between the College and other colleges and universities. Students who do not provide their Social Security number risk loss of tax benefits and may encounter delays when transferring from or to other institutions. The College makes every effort to protect students’ Social Security numbers from inappropriate disclosure. Questions about College use of the Social Security Number should be forwarded to the District Admissions and Records Office or the campus Admissions and Registrar Office.

Campus Carry

Effective August 1, 2017, the Campus Carry law (Senate Bill 11) allows those licensed individuals to carry a concealed handgun in buildings on public community college campuses, except in locations the College establishes as prohibited.  Prohibited areas include but are not limited to Theater and Performance Halls, Health Services, Testing Services, Counseling Services, Physical Education, Early College High School Programs, Child Care Facilities, and the TCC Police Department. Under the new law, openly carrying handguns is not allowed on college campuses. For more specific TCC regulations, go to the TCC website. For emergency information, go to the TCC website.