Mar 31, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Program Information

Program of Study (Major)

Students are urged to declare their program of study (major) as early as possible in their academic career. Those who are undecided should visit with an academic advisor prior to the end of their first year of enrollment. A program of study may be declared or changed through WebAdvisor on the TCC website.

Programs of Instruction

TCC offers degrees for students whose goal is to transfer to an upper level college or university to complete a baccalaureate or higher degree:

Associate of Arts (AA) – A collegiate degree providing liberal arts curricula in university parallel and the pre-professional areas related to the baccalaureate degree. This is not generally a degree with a declared major but is a program of first- and second-year courses, which will generally transfer to a four-year college or university. The Cornerstone Program is an Honors Associate of Arts Degree. Associate of Arts Degree are also offered in Business, Kinesiology, Music and Visual Arts.

Associate of Arts in Music (AA) – A collegiate music degree that is consistent with the first two years of most university music degrees. This degree includes studies in piano, music theory, ear training, sight singing, and music literature as well as an emphasis on performing solo and ensemble repertoire on a primary instrument or voice. This degree fulfills the transferrable Field of Study in Music and not the TCC Core Curriculum.

Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) – A collegiate degree that will satisfy the lower division requirements for a bachelor’s degree leading to initial teacher certification. The Cornerstone Program is an Honors Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree.

Associate of Science (AS) – A collegiate degree related to the baccalaureate degree providing curricula in university parallel and pre-professional areas to students with a major in a science or a related discipline. Associate of Science Degrees are also offered in Chemistry and Mathematics.

Associate of Science in Engineering (AS) – A collegiate degree aligned with the Tuning Texas Engineering Degree Pathways and leading to a baccalaureate degree in an ABET accredited engineering program. The Associate of Science in Engineering Degrees are Civil Engineering, Electric Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

Degrees and certificates are also offered in occupational/technical areas:

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) – A degree in a workforce field designed for students who wish to begin a career after completing a program of study.

Associate of Applied Science degree programs offer unique curricula designed for students majoring in such fields as business administration and management, horticulture, industrial education, technical education, public services, health occupations, and human services. These curricula are designed to enable the graduate to enter an occupation with a marketable skill, an acceptable level of competency and the ability to communicate intelligently. The curricula provide highly specialized courses to develop technical skill and general education courses to enable students to be effective members of society. Several AAS degree programs provide a foundation for transfer to a four-year institution offering Bachelor of Science degrees in occupational programs.

Certificate of Completion (CRT, CAT and CES) – A program of study that varies in length and is designed to prepare the student for occupational employment. It is awarded upon completion of specific courses that have been industry validated and sequenced for the purpose of developing and upgrading skills in an occupation.

An Occupational Skills Award is awarded to students who complete nine to 14 semester credit hours specified in a particular technical area.

In addition to the Associate of Applied Science degree programs, TCC offers certificate programs designed to meet specific needs of the community. These programs are normally one year in length. Upon completion of the prescribed courses, the student receives a Certificate of Completion.

Fields of Study (FOS)

Senate Bill 148 of the 75th Texas Legislature (1997) mandated Field of Study curricula. The Field of Study curricula, along with core curricula, are intended to facilitate transferability of courses among Texas public colleges and universities. All public four-year institutions are required to accept Coordinating Board approved Field of Study courses in fulfillment of lower-division requirements for bachelor’s degrees in majors that correspond to the Field of Study. Fields of Study adopted at TCC are: Business, Communication, Computer Science, Engineering and Music.

Transfer to a College/University

Students attending Tarrant County College for one or two years then transferring to a senior college or university should have no difficulty transferring credits if these steps are followed:

  • Select a major field of study and a senior college or university that offers a bachelor’s degree in that field.
  • Review the selected institution’s college catalog and identify the freshman and sophomore courses suggested.
  • See a TCC academic advisor or counselor for help in selecting the TCC courses that correspond to the requirements of the senior college.
  • Complete the TCC courses with a grade point average of at least 2.0.
  • Apply for admission to the senior college early in the last semester at TCC.
  • Request the TCC Admissions and Registrar Office send an official transcript to the transfer institution.

AAS to BAAS Guided Pathways

The AAS to BAAS Transfer Collaborative brings together North Texas Community College Consortium colleges along with public and private universities across North Texas. This collaborative has created a common template to display guided pathways from all community college AAS degrees to university BAAS degrees. AAS-BAAS guided pathways are not intended to replace a degree audit but to function as a guided pathway for students, leading to informed decision-making. AAS-BAAS guided pathways can be found at