Jan 02, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Tarrant County College Police Department

The Tarrant County College Police Department is staffed with commissioned Texas Peace Officers, as well as certified tele-communicators and security guards. Report criminal activity and non-life-threatening emergencies to the Police Department by calling the central dispatcher at 817-515-8911 or 5-8911 from a campus phone. These numbers are answered 24 hours a day. Provide the dispatcher with name and physical address, campus building, room number, etc. and a brief description of the situation.

For life-threatening episodes such as a heart attack, unconsciousness, and uncontrolled bleeding, call 8-911 immediately so that medical instructions can be provided if necessary. Also, notify campus police so that emergency responders can be directed to the exact location of the emergency site and an available campus nurse can be summoned and transported for assistance.

For police call 817-515-8911.

For medical emergencies call 817-515-8911.

Motor Vehicle Permit Information

Only students enrolled in classes at Trinity River Campus (TRC) or Trinity River East Campus (TREC) will be required to display a parking permit in their vehicle. Only TRC will issue parking permits. If a student has a class at any other campus and has no classes at TRC or TREC, the student does not need a parking permit. If the student has a class at TRC or TREC and another campus, the student must obtain a parking permit at TRC. Hang permits from the rear-view mirror with the permit number side facing the window.

Trinity River and Trinity River East Campus Parking Only

Students can obtain a parking permit at any Campus Police Department. Permits may be obtained in the fall and spring terms through the campus Police Departments from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, and from the Business Services offices from 5 p.m.-7 p.m., Monday-Thursday. During summer terms, permits can be obtained from the campus Police Departments from 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Thursday, and from the Business Services offices from 6 p.m.-7 p.m., Monday-Thursday.

Permanent Parking Permits

Students receive the first parking permit at no cost after registration for credit or noncredit classes. A permit is valid until the expiration date printed on the front and should be kept until the expiration date to avoid a $5 permit replacement fee.

Credit and noncredit permits are valid on all campuses; however, students attending the Trinity River Campus must have the parking permit stamped at the TRC Police Department to park in the parking garage (student must be enrolled in at least one class at TRC to be eligible for the stamp).

Documentation required to obtain a parking permit includes:

  • Valid driver’s license

  • TCC student schedule and fee statement (available on WebAdvisor after registration and payment of course fees)

  • Student ID number

Temporary Parking Permits

A temporary permit may be issued if a student fails to bring the permanent parking permit to campus. It is usually valid for one day only; however, it can be valid for a longer period of time if the student’s vehicle is in the shop for repairs.

Community Education and Engagement Students

Permits for noncredit students (Community & Industry Education and Senior Education) are issued by the Business Services office on each campus.

Searches of students and their property shall be conducted in accordance with administrative procedures established by the Chancellor or designee (FLC[LOCAL] FLC[LEGAL]).

Other Violations and Fees
  Moving Violations Fee
  Reckless Driving $10
  Failed to Yield to Pedestrian/Vehicle $10
  Excessive Speed $10
  Failed to Shop $10
  Speed Too Fast for Conditions $10
  Exhibition of Speed/Acceleration $10
  Parking Violations Fee
  Parked in Faculty/Staff Zone $25
  Parked in Disabled Zone $10
  No Parking Permit Displayed
Trinity River and Trinity River East Campus Only*
  Expired Parking Permit
Trinity River and Trinity River East Campus Only*
  Parked in Posted Zone $10
  No Parking Zone/Fire Lane $10
  Blocked Fire Lane $10
  Blocked Drive Way $10
  Double Parked $10
  Obstructing Traffic $10
  Permit Improperly Displayed $5*
  Parked in Visitor Zone $5*
  Parked in Motorcycle Zone $5*
  Parked Against One Way $5*
  Back-in/Pull-Through Parked $5*

* $5 fee for first offense; increased to $10 fee for each additional violation of the same offense during each school year, September-August.

Campus Evacuation Plan

When evacuation of a building is necessary due to a fire, bomb threat, hazardous materials accident or other emergency evacuations, an alarm system is activated or orders to evacuate are given.

  1. Immediately evacuate the building through the doorways marked by the nearest exit signs. Evacuate the building in an orderly manner, without running or crowding. A disorganized evacuation can result in confusion, injury and property damage.
  2. Be familiar with the location of primary and alternate exits and the various evacuation routes available. Floor plans with escape routes, alternate escape routes, and exit locations are posted throughout the buildings.
  3. Do not use elevators. Evacuate premises via the nearest stairwell or grade level exit.
  4. Evacuate immediately. Resist the temptation to locate personal belongings or asking for details about the situation. Remember, things can be replaced-people cannot.
  5. Assist individuals with a disability or others who may need help.
  6. Fire alarms and smoke detectors are to alert building occupants. If smoke or fire is detected, call the campus police from a campus phone at 5-8911 or 817-515-8911 from an outside phone. Whenever possible, activate the nearest fire alarm and close the door upon leaving a room.
  7. Proceed to a predetermined assembly area. A head count or roll call is necessary to account for all personnel.

Severe Weather Evacuation Plan

When tornadoes or other severe weather threatens the campus, all persons must take shelter. The following procedures are to be followed:

  1. The city where each campus is located will activate a severe weather siren. Sound of the siren is the signal to take shelter immediately.
  2. The safest place to take shelter from severe weather or tornadoes is inside a building, in a room or hallway, clear of glass doors and windows. Lie face down, head covered, along an interior wall or hallway. When possible get under heavy furniture as protection from falling debris.
  3. Assist individuals with a disability as needed.
  4. The Police Department will use a public address system to instruct people outside to immediately take shelter inside a building. Each building has diagrams posted on walls showing the exits. The blue areas on the diagrams indicate the safest area of the building to congregate during severe weather.
  5. When campus police officers are present, follow their instructions. No discussion is necessary during an emergency situation.

Safety Policy Statement

It is the policy of the Tarrant County College to provide and maintain a safe and healthy environment free of injuries and other impairments to the health of students. In the interest of accident prevention, Tarrant County College supports a formal safety program designed to reduce accidents and injuries.

Each student is responsible for taking a serious interest in safety, cooperating with College officials, complying with safety regulations of the College, reporting immediately any injury incurred or unsafe condition observed, and practicing safety at all times. Students who fail to follow safety regulations may be withdrawn from their course(s).

Sex Offender Registration

Not later than the seventh day after the date on which the person begins to attend school, a person required to register under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, who is a student at a public institution of higher education shall report that fact to the TCC Police Department.

The offender shall provide the TCC Police Department or the local law enforcement authority all information the person is required to provide under Code of Criminal Procedure Section 62.02(b).

State law prohibits some sex offenders on parole or probation from going within 1,000 feet of an area where “children normally gather.” The frequent presence of children on TCC campuses requires that sex offenders on parole or probation check with their parole or probation officers to learn if they fall under this prohibition. Those who do fall under the prohibition may take distance learning classes, but only if presence on campus is not required.

Smoking Violations

Violators of the Student Conduct Tobacco Use Policy FLBD[LOCAL] may be subject to a $5 fee for the first offense, increased to a $10 fee for each additional offense during each school year, September-August. Officers can also issue municipal citations to violators of this policy on  certain campuses.

Concealed Campus Carry Regulations

Effective August 1, 2017, the Campus Carry law (Senate Bill 11) allows those licensed individuals to carry a concealed handgun in buildings on public community college campuses, except in locations the College establishes as prohibited.  Prohibited areas include but are not limited to Theater and Performance Halls, Health Services, Testing Services, Counseling Services, Physical Education, Early College High School Programs, Child Care Facilities, and the TCC Police Department. Under the new law, openly carrying handguns is not allowed on college campuses. For more specific TCC regulations, go to the TCC website. For emergency information, please go to the TCC website.

Annual Security Report - Clery Act

The Tarrant County College Police Department prepares this report in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act.

This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning Clery–reportable crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the Tarrant County College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

This report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and policies regarding alcohol, drug and tobacco use.

Printed copies of the Annual Security Report are available upon request at any of the Tarrant County College Campus Police Department offices. A printed copy can also be obtained by calling 817-515-5500, or emailing maryjo.meloy@tccd.edu.

Drug Free Schools and Communities Act

The Drug Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) require an Institution of Higher Education (IHE) such as Tarrant County College (TCC), to certify that it has implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol and use, and/or distribution of illicit drugs both by TCC students and employees, either on its premises and as a part of any of its activities.

For more information please consult the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program.